Best Matchmaking Service in Chattogram | Bangladesh

Bibahabd excels as the paramount matchmaking authority in Chattogram, emerging as an unrivaled titan in the realm of matrimony services throughout Bangladesh.

Our profound expertise spans both the virtual and physical domains, rendering us as pioneers in online & offline matchmaking, complemented by our unwavering commitment to providing exemplary assisted matrimony services.

With a focus on arranged marriages, Bibahabd aims to help individuals find suitable partners for marital relationships.

Whether you are searching for a never-married, divorced, or widowed bride or groom, Bibahabd offers a comprehensive platform to connect with potential matches from various regions in Bangladesh.

Including Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet, as well as Non-Resident Bangladeshi (NRB) Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians.

Matchmaking Service in Chattogram Bangladesh

Finding the Right Partner:
Bibahabd provides a user-friendly platform that allows members to search, communicate, and interact with potential matches. The ultimate goal is to help individuals find the right person for themselves or their loved ones.

With a belief that marriages are made in heaven, Bibahabd is committed to realizing those dreams by assisting individuals in making informed decisions about their life partners.

The platform caters to the needs of today’s generation and the future, offering a modern and convenient approach to arranged marriages.

Importance of Informed Decisions:
Bibahabd recognizes the significance of making the right choice for a marriage to thrive. In the digital age, where information is readily available, it is crucial to base decisions on sound and reliable information.

Bibahabd strives to provide its members with a secured environment and expanded opportunities to find their potential life partners.

By offering a range of features and tools, the platform empowers individuals to make informed choices, ensuring a strong foundation for lasting and fulfilling marriages.

Secured Environment and Expanded Opportunities:
At Bibahabd, the main objective is to create a secured environment where individuals can confidently explore their options and connect with potential life partners.

The platform follows strict privacy and security measures to protect the personal information of its members.

With a focus on expanding opportunities, Bibahabd opens doors for individuals to find their ideal matches from diverse backgrounds and regions.

Whether you are seeking a partner from your own community or are open to inter-religious or inter-regional alliances, Bibahabd provides a platform to explore and connect with like-minded individuals.

Bibahabd is the trusted matrimony service provider in Bangladesh, dedicated to facilitating arranged marriages.

With its online and offline matchmaking services, Bibahabd offers a comprehensive platform for individuals to find suitable partners for marital relationships.

By providing a secured environment, sound information, and expanded opportunities, Bibahabd empowers its members to make informed decisions in their search for a life partner.

Marriage in Bangladesh

Most marriages in Bangladesh are traditional arranged marriages, semi-arranged marriages or love marriages.

Arranged marriage occurs when a member of the family, a close friend or a third person party helps bring two supposedly compatible people together in matrimony.

Like many non-industrial societies, in Bangladeshi culture, marriage is seen as a union between two families rather than just two people. Within Bangladesh, arranged marriages are arguably the most common form of marriage and are considered traditional in society.

How can I get married in Bangladesh?

1) Offer from one part and acceptance from the other.
2) According to sharia law, two male or one male and two female witnesses. whatever, The Marriage and divorce registration act 1974 equally treated both male and females.
3) Both the parties must be free in their consent.

Marriage in Bangladesh

How long do Bangladeshi weddings last?

Even though religious ceremonies are distinctive for a Hindu and Muslim wedding, there are some ceremonies that are common for weddings in Bangladesh. A Bangladeshi wedding lasts for 3 days, starting from engagement until bou bhaat(reception).

Can foreigners get married in Bangladesh?

Answer: Yes. Bangladesh Government has made provision of Registration of marriages which came into force in April-2012. Bangladeshi and Foreigner can register their marriage in accordance with The Special Marriage Act, 1872.

What is the law of marriage in Bangladesh?

In Bangladesh, marriage laws are based on a combination of religious and civil law. Civil laws dictate that the legal age of consent and minimum age for marriage is 18 for women and 21 for men. Bangladesh does not have a specific law banning forced marriage.

What is the punishment for second marriage in Bangladesh?

Whoever, having a husband or wife living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life of such husband or wife, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine

What is marriage like in Bangladesh?

Like many non-industrial societies, in Bangladeshi culture, marriage is seen as a union between two families rather than just two people. Within Bangladesh, arranged marriages are arguably the most common form of marriage and are considered traditional in society.

How many wife can you have in Bangladesh?

In Bangladesh multiple marriages doubled in the last decade. The limit is usually four wives, but money is the key determinant. Islamic law allows for 4 wives, consultation with existing spouses, and equal treatment. In practice spousal support may not be evenly or fairly distributed.

What is the main reason for divorce in Bangladesh?

Results indicated that extramarital affairs, substance abuse, physical abuse, dowry-related problems, abandonment, interference from in-laws, polygamy, personality problems, criminal activity, and unemployment of husbands are the primary factors responsible for divorce among women in Bangladesh.

How long does a divorce take in Bangladesh?

Time to complete the divorce process: The one sided divorce or divorce by notice can be completed within 90 days from the date receiving the notice by City Corporation or chairman. To complete a mutual divorce, in practice, both the husband and wife take their decision of giving divorce.

How much does a divorce cost in Bangladesh?

As per marriages and Divorces (Reg) Rules, 1975: A Nikah or Marriage Registrar shall charge a fee of BDT 200 (Two Hundred) for registration of divorce. The marriage registrar may also claim BDT. 25 as commission fee and BDT.

Is divorce common in Bangladesh?

The report said that, considering the total population of the country, the divorce rate is 42%, married rate is 65.26%, single rate is 28.65%, widow or widower rate is 5.31% and marital separation rate is 0.37%.

চট্টগ্রাম বিভাগের পাত্র পাত্রীর খোঁজ পেতে – বিবাহ বিডি

চট্টগ্রামের পাত্রপাত্রী । বাংলাদেশ বা প্রবাসে বসবাসরত  চাঁদপুর, লক্ষিপুর, নোয়াখালী, চট্টগ্রাম, ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়া, কুমিল্লা, ফেণী, খাগড়াছড়ি, বান্দরবন, রাঙামাটি ও কক্সবাজার জেলার পাত্রপাত্রীর সন্ধান পেতে এখনি লগইন করুন।

পরিবারের প্রিয় সদস্যটির জন্য উপযুক্ত চট্টগ্রামের সম্ভ্রান্ত পরিবারের পাত্রপাত্রীর সন্ধান পেতে নিশ্চিন্তে লগ ইন করুন অনলাইন বেইজ ম্যাট্রিমনিয়াল সার্ভিস – বিবাহবিডি ডট কম ওয়েবসাইটে।

ঘরে বসেই ফ্রী রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করে  চাহিদা অনুযায়ী চট্রগ্রাম বিভাগের পাত্র/পাত্রীদের প্রোফাইল (ছবি সহ বায়োডাটা) দেখে পাত্র/পাত্রী কিংবা অভিভাবকের সাথে সরাসরি নিজেরাই যোগাযোগ করতে পারছেন অতি দ্রুততম সময়ের মধ্যে ।

যে ধরনের প্রোফাইল পাবেনঃ

বিবাহবিডি ডট কম সার্ভিসে ১৮৪ টি প্রফেশন ক্যাটাগরীর, যেকোন শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতার, যেকোন ধর্মাবলম্বী – মুসলিম, হিন্দু, বৌদ্ধ,খ্রীষ্টান, আদিবাসীর যেকোন গোত্র কিংবা কাষ্টের যেকোন বয়সের –

– অবিবাহিত, ডিভোর্স,  বিধবা, বিপত্নীক চট্রগ্রাম বিভাগের যেকোন জেলার অধিবাসী এবং বিশ্বের প্রায় ১৮০ টি দেশে বসবাসরত প্রবাসী বাংলাদেশী। 

তাছাড়াও বিবাহ বিডিতে রয়েছে কিছু ষ্পেশাল সার্চ ক্যাটাগরী যেমন –
ডিসেবেলীটিস সার্চ (শারীরিক বা স্বাস্থ্যগত প্রতিবন্ধকতা আছে এমন),
সিঙ্গেল ফাদার / সিঙ্গেল মাদার  সার্চ ( ডিভোর্স কিংবা বিধবা/বিপত্নীক ও সন্তান আছে এমন )।

চট্টগ্রামের পাত্রপাত্রী
চট্টগ্রামের পাত্রপাত্রী

কেন বিবাহবিডিতে পাত্র/পাত্রী খুঁজবেনঃ

জীবন একটাই  আর একটি সুখী ও সুন্দর জীবনের জন্য চাই একজন সুন্দর মনের মানুষ। অসংখ্য প্রোফাইল দেখে সঠিক সিদ্ধান্তে পৌছাতে নিজেই বিবাহবিডিতে প্রোফাইল করুন –

নিজেই খুঁজুন এবং নিজেরাই পাত্র/পাত্রী কিংবা তাদের অভিভাবকের সাথে সরাসরি যোগাযোগ করুন।  এতে লোক জানাজানির ঝামেলা যেমন নেই তেমনি খরচ ও অনেক কম।

প্রথমেই দেখে নিন কোন কোন প্রফেশনের কত জন পাত্র/পাত্রী এই মূহুর্তে বিবাহবিডিতে রয়েছে। লিংকে ক্লিক করুন 

যারা দাম্পত্য জীবনে সেপারেটেড আছেন কিংবা ইতিমধ্যে ডিভোর্স নিয়েছেন, তাদের জন্য বিবাহবিডিতে রয়েছে – 

ম্যারিটাল ষ্টেটাস সার্চ ও ইজি সার্চ অপশন যেখানে খুব সহজেই নিজ জেলা বা বিভাগের ডিভোর্স, বিধবা/বিপত্নীক, সেপারেটেড সহ সিংগেল ফাদার, সিংগেল মাদার প্রোফাইল গুলো ক্যাটাগরী অনুযায়ি সুবিন্যস্ত রয়েছে। 

পাঠকের সুবিধার্থে বিবাহবিডির সরাসরি কয়েকটি সার্চ রিজাল্টের লিংক নিম্নে দেয়া হলোঃ

প্রফেশন অনুযায়ী পাত্র/পাত্রী  খুঁজতে
শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা অনুযায়ী পাত্র/পাত্রী খুঁজতে
প্রবাসী পাত্র/পাত্রী  খুঁজতে
জেলা অনুযায়ী পাত্র/পাত্রী খুঁজতে

Hotline: +88 0961 22 11 555, 88 019 22 11 5555

Best Matrimony Service in Bangladesh

Pioneer Bangladeshi Matrimonial Website BibahaBD is the Best Matrimony Service in Bangladesh process of getting married between two people. These types of activities are done by matrimonial companies.

BIBAHABD is a Online Marriage consultant do the job very smartly. You can easily contact with Bibahabd Leading Online Marriage Media and Best Online Matrimony Service in Bangladesh founded 2007 under a group of company.

You will be able to communicate directly with the Bride/Groom or guardian by looking at the profile (Bio Data with photo) of the Bride or Groom as per the demand and it will be done in the fastest time.

Why Bibahabd is the Best Matrimony Service in Bangladesh & What kind of profile will you get?

  • Three Layer Verified Profiles
    [ Candidate, Guardian, National ID / Passport / Job ID / Divorce Certificate]
  • 24/7 Round The Clock Support Service
  • Online & Offline Service with Matrimony Investigation
  • Professional categories with more than 150 Different Profession
  • Any Educational Qualifications Profile Worldwide
  • Any Religion –Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian,  tribe or caste, of any age
  • Never Married, Divorced, Widowed
  • Resident of any district of Bangladesh
  • World Wide Bangladeshi NRB
    or Expatriate living in about 150 countries of the world.
  • In addition, there are some special search categories in the such as
    Disability search (those with physical or health disabilities)
  • Single father / Single mother search (divorce or widowed and have child).


Why find a bride | groom from Bibahabd

Life is a gift like onetime offer; for a happy and beautiful life wants a beautiful soul mate at all. Search the numerous profiles and reach the right conclusion through Bibahabd, find out for yourself and contact with the Bride Groom or their guardians directly. The cost is much lower as there is no hassle of Privacy violation.

For those who are separated or already divorced in their married life, there is a Marital Status Search option “Easy Search” where it is easy to find Divorce, Widowed, Separated with [Single Father], [Single Mother] profiles.

Are you serious about marriage, Click on the link to Register for free. The customer support team of is ready to help you 24/7 days.

Bangladeshi Matrimony | Bibahabd Since 2007
Bangladeshi Matrimony | Bibahabd Since 2007

Reliability and Trustworthiness Since individuals are entering their profiles personally it provides high reliability
Verification Of Profiles Select profiles can be verified by Team
Meeting responsible for “private matrimonial discussion” only for Matchmaking Member.
Unlimited Time Being on web, it can be browsed at any time and all the time
Various Category Offers a wide category of preferences close to you
Unlimited Profiles Being international and on web anyone can become a member thus unlimited profiles

House # 02 (3rd Floor) BLOCK: G, SOUTH BANASREE MAIN ROAD,

Hotline: +88 01922 115555, 88 01944 115555
IP Phone: + (88) 0961 22 11 555, Office: 02-4729-1212
Email : [email protected] 
WhatsApp : +8801922115555, +8801944115555

How to find trusted Bangladeshi matrimonial websites online

There are few trusted Bangladeshi matrimonial websites with good amount of brand name.

In the modern age, matrimonial websites are redefining the traditional way of meeting people for marriage. Matrimonial services have now becomes in to a world renowned service.

You just need to register your profile on the website. If there is any matter of urgency and you can avail more benefits by registering in the premium membership by paying few sign up fees.

The system posses will be same as others sites like you have to register into their portal like email id, cell number and your family preferences, about your qualifications, caste, education , appearance, occupation and residence address etc. There are few features of using trusted matrimonial websites.

Bangladeshi arranged marriage
Bangladeshi arranged marriage: couple on their wedding day

Based on Data Security:

There are many matrimonial websites which protects its user database by employing various encryption methods. Some websites have security sign in their websites, which ensures much better data security for users. Many companies have 24*7 customer service team and there is a privacy protection options. There is also need of security for user data and pictures uploaded by the peoples. Matrimonial websites are deploying advanced technologically for screening system for prevention of abuses.

Based on functions:

There are also verified contact details of members. Chatting option is also very much needed for premium customers. Quick response services & discounts on events are also very useful. You may use site to find matches from Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet Division etc. You may choose from the wide list of Hindu, Muslim, Christian, inter religion and no religious group of people.

Best on User friendliness:

In today busy life, people have hardly few hours left to execute personal work. User friendly and good search options are very much essential for a website to become successful one.

Online matrimony provides the comfort and choice of millions of prospects and much more information about a prospect marriage proposal. In future, market continues to evolve, bring in more customers and serve to new generations, online matrimony will continue to thrive in Bangladesh for a very long time to come.

With matchmaking, matrimonial services offer personal management advice on how to deal and make it work. visit bibahabd to search and find your soul mate from thousand members in the data base.

Top 3 Matrimony Site in Bangladesh 2023

If you are still undecided about marriage, you have not been able to find a suitable match for you or your beloved family member –

Even after you have established higher education, then you should register at one of the most acceptable Top 3 Matrimony Site in Bangladesh 2023.

However, one thing you must note is that in the global COVID pandemic, many traditional matchmakers in Bangladesh try to convert their services online, but their service system is not very good.

Because they are inexperienced in online services, there are many complaints about them.

We have selected the Top 3 Bangladeshi Matrimony companies offering online / Offline matrimony services their skills and long time business stability.

All these companies will give you really good service. All of them have experience of 12-15 years of giving professional service.

Where you will be able to quickly contact yourself directly by looking at the numerous profiles of your choice –

Bibahabd is an international matrimonial web portal founded 1st Feb 2007 under a renowned group of company, aimed at fulfilling the needs of Bangladeshis both at home and abroad.

It is designed to provide its members a secured and private environment to find their ultimate life partners by providing them a trusted source of genuine people trying to find their soul mates.

The platform bibahabd allows members to search, communicate, interact and finally find the right person for them or their loved ones.

Bibahabd believes that marriages are made in heaven and we only intend in realizing those dreams. It is a site for the generation of today and the future.

Best 3 Matrimony Site in Bangladesh.
Bibahabd | Bangladeshi Matrimony Service

Bibahabd Win BASIS National ICT Awards – 2017 under Category: Inclusion & Community. Bangladeshi pioneer matrimonial web portal Bibahabd is one of the best Bangladeshi matrimonial websites.

Their support team ensures 24/7 days’ service. If you want profession service, you can safely open account here.

  • Bibahabd Specialty:
  • Reliability and Trustworthiness Matrimony since individuals are entering their profiles personally it provides high reliability
  • Verification of Profiles Select profiles can be 3 layer verified by Team
  • Meeting responsible for private matrimonial discussion only for Matchmaking Member.
  • Unlimited Time Being on web, it can be browsed at any time and all the time
  • Various Category offers a wide category of preferences close to you
  • Unlimited Profiles being international and on web anyone can become a member thus unlimited profiles
  • Highly Secured it ensures high level of privacy will activate your profile after verbal verification with valid documents.

  • Borbodhu

Finding the right life partner is one of the most important and difficult tasks of one’s life. Our goal is to help you in the process of finding your perfect partner.

We do everything we can to achieve this goal. Since we first founded in 2007, over the decade we have helped thousands of people find their life partner.

We take pride in providing outstanding customer service, realizable service with true result.

Borbodhu team is a team of hardworking, honest and friendly people that strives in providing ultimate partner search experience and believes that our action and service will determine our destiny. We are proud to serve our members for last 12 year.

Finally, we take privacy and security very seriously. Your information and privacy is safe with us.

We will not share your information with anyone without your permission.

At borbodhu, we wish you a happy journey in finding your life partner and we are proud to be part of it. Start finding your life partner now.

  • Sensible Match

SensibleMatch is the most trusted matrimonial website in Bangladesh. Quietly making happy marriages possible among brides and grooms located around the world.

Sensible Match
Sensible Match

We care about your privacy and we take every step possible to protect it.

We have our office in Dhaka where our matchmakers are working hard to provide dedicated & personalized services to find the most suitable bride or groom for you.

If you are busy, and do not have a lot of time to find the perfect match for you, our matchmakers are available to help. We are the ‘marriage media‘ of the digital era.

The 3 Best Matrimony organizations of Bangladesh that are presented, you can get a good profiles from here and there is no chance of any kind of harassment in the case of this service organization.

They are experienced in online services so feel free to profile.

Chittagong Marriage Media | BIBAHABD

If you are located in Chittagong & still undecided about marriage because you have not been able to find a suitable mate then Chittagong Marriage Media “Bibahabd” for you or your loved one.

Even after being established at the end of higher education, then the online base Matrimonial Service BIBAHABD Marriage help you for better match.

Chittagong Marriage Media “Bibahabd” – Find your soul mate from Chittagong, Khagrachhari, Rangamati, Bandarban

Cox’s Bazar, Comilla, Chandpur, Lakshmipur, Noakhali, Feni District, Brahmanbaria District under Chittagong Division.

By registering for free at Bibahabd, you will be able to communicate directly with the spouse or guardian by looking at the profile (Biodata with photo) of the spouse as per the demand and it will be done in the fastest time.

What kind of profile will you get?

Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians religion follower, Expatriate Bangladeshis of 64 profession categories, of any educational qualification, of any religion

– Tribe or caste, unmarried of any age, divorced, widowed, widowed, resident of any district of Bangladesh, and living in about 50 countries of the world.

In addition, there are some special search categories in the marriage BD such as
– Disability search (those with physical or health disabilities)
– Single father / Single mother search
(divorce or widow / widower and having children).

Chittagong Marriage Media | Find your soul mate from Chittagong, Khagrachhari, Rangamati, Bandarban , Cox's Bazar, Comilla, Chandpur, Lakshmipur, Noakhali, Feni District, Brahmanbaria District under Chittagong Division.

Life is a gift like onetime offer; for a happy and beautiful life wants a beautiful soul mate at all.

Search the numerous profiles and reach the right conclusion through Bibahabd, find out for yourself and contact with the Bride Groom or their guardians directly.

The cost is much lower as there is no hassle of Privacy violation.

For those who are separated or already divorced in their married life, there is a Marital Status Search option –

“Easy Search” where it is easy to find Divorce, Widowed, Separated with [Single Father], [Single Mother] profiles.

Are you serious about marriage, Click on the link to Register for free. The customer support team of BibahaBD is ready to help you 24/7 days. Call +88 01922115555

Why Online Matrimony is so popular among Bangladeshi and NRB’s

A new business space technology driven online matrimonial service has been fast evolving in Bangladesh

And what was once considered a traditional at best community driven or through individual brokered –

Matrimonial Communication based service between bride and bridegroom families now online Matrimony is so popular among Bangladeshi and NRB’s.

Technology is dramatically and profoundly changing the nature of business by providing the potential for new services, radically revamping service delivery, and expanding customer service reach.

Online Matrimony BIBAHABD shall be considered as self service technology to search prospective bride or bridegroom to be enabling match makers offer services online through their web portal

To log in and register

participate, create their own pages of database and make it interactive through chatting. Hence, self service technology adopted in online matrimony provides consumers a greater convenience, accessibility, and ease of use.

Convenience is a big factor in online matrimony. It often make a business available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, rather than being limited to traditional working hours.

Consumers often find self service technology empowering, using the technology, the customer can control the service encounter and not feel rushed or pressured.

Bibahabd is a trusted and best Bangladeshi marriage media or matrimony service provider who provides online and offline matchmaking service to find a suitable life partner for marital relationship since 2007.

Social Media Interaction: Social Media interaction is technological interfaces allowing customers to produce services independent of involvement of direct service employee.

It is replacing many face-to face service interactions with the intention to make service transactions more accurate, convenient and faster.

Online Matrimony often make a business available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, rather than being limited to traditional working hours.

Online matrimony does facilitate social interaction online in a way that their offline counterparts do not.

This is through email, chat rooms and one-to one synchronous communications like Skype prior to developing any relationship offline.

Conventional Measures of matrimony sites:

  • Functionality
  • Enjoyment
  • Security/Privacy
  • Assurance
  • Design
  • Convenience
  • Customization

Bangladeshi Matrimonial web portals make for a perfect substitute for millions of Bangladeshis who are now connected to the web and still belong to traditional beliefs.

Considering the enhanced reach, extreme convenience and more privacy, online matrimonial portals are most definitely a preferred substitute to conventional sources to find brides and grooms.

It is simple for anyone to simply log onto a website of their choice and register by uploading a bio data with information of their choice.

It offers user-friendly interfaces for youth as well as parents to conduct searches based on their preferences and initiative conversation with a click of a mouse.

This ideal blend between Bangladeshi traditional systems and modern technology has made it possible for Bangladeshi bachelors and parents around the world and explore and find themselves the perfect match for life. Developed online-portals.

Types of users in Matrimonial Portals:

  • Visitors
  • Registered members
  • Moderators
  • Administrators

Visitor’s section member registration is paid or free as per the rules set by the site admin. You can browse categories that are sorted by region, community, religion.

You can advance search with additional parameters and non members can see results of listings but with limited info.

Members have unrestricted access to the complete profile, featured profile listings on homepage along with thumbnail images, static information pages.

You can upgrade free account to pay by paying for optional items like featured or bold profile. Payment gateway is integral part. The matrimony website manager enables a registered user to provide information through use to neat and well-organized forms.

While the parents would typically be depending on marriage brokers and classified ads, the web offers a larger variety of platforms to search for along with easier options to categorize search requirements to find a perfect match for daughter or son.

As a registered user and subscriber of online-matrimony Bibahabd for the past couple of years with the leading online web portals for matrimony, the author of this paper has spend hours in understanding the dynamics of these portals and in that context consumer perception of the online-matrimony as self service technology is viewed and analyzed.

The first impression is that these web portals of online matrimony has come to stay and do active business with subscribers or registered users.

Visit to make your matrimonial search a successful one.