Leading Matrimony Service in Bangladesh

In the realm of matrimony, Bangladesh has witnessed a significant shift from traditional matchmaking methods to modern online platforms.

Among the pioneering platforms, has emerged as the leading matrimony service in Bangladesh, providing a seamless experience for individuals seeking life partners.

With its user-friendly interface, extensive database, and commitment to privacy and security, has revolutionized the way Bangladeshis find their ideal matches.

Comprehensive Database: boasts an extensive database of eligible brides and grooms from diverse backgrounds, religions, and communities across Bangladesh.

This vast collection ensures that individuals have a wide range of options to explore, increasing their chances of finding a compatible life partner.

The platform also offers advanced search filters, allowing users to refine their searches based on specific preferences such as education, profession, and more.

User-Friendly Interface:
One of the key factors behind’s success is its user-friendly interface. The platform has been designed to cater to users of all ages and technical proficiency levels.

With intuitive navigation, easy-to-understand features, and responsive design, the website ensures a seamless user experience.

Users can create personalized profiles, upload photos, and provide detailed information about themselves, making it easier to connect with potential matches.

Privacy and Security: places utmost importance on user privacy and security. They have implemented robust measures to protect user data, ensuring that personal information remains confidential.

The platform also provides features like privacy settings, allowing users to control the visibility of their profiles and contact information.

This focus on privacy and security has garnered the trust and confidence of users, making the preferred choice for matrimony services in Bangladesh.

Success Stories and Support: takes pride in its numerous success stories, where individuals have found their life partners through the platform.

The dedicated support team provides assistance to users at every step, offering guidance, resolving queries, and facilitating smooth communication between interested individuals.

The platform’s commitment to customer satisfaction has made it a trusted and reliable matrimony service in the country.

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape of Bangladesh, stands tall as the leading matrimony service, transforming the way people find their life partners.

With its comprehensive database, user-friendly interface, emphasis on privacy and security, and exceptional support, has become a beacon of hope for those seeking meaningful connections.

As Bangladesh continues to embrace the digital age, remains at the forefront, connecting hearts and fostering lifelong relationships.

Marriage in Bangladesh

Most marriages in Bangladesh are traditional arranged marriages, semi-arranged marriages or love marriages.

Arranged marriage occurs when a member of the family, a close friend or a third person party helps bring two supposedly compatible people together in matrimony.

Like many non-industrial societies, in Bangladeshi culture, marriage is seen as a union between two families rather than just two people. Within Bangladesh, arranged marriages are arguably the most common form of marriage and are considered traditional in society.

How can I get married in Bangladesh?

1) Offer from one part and acceptance from the other.
2) According to sharia law, two male or one male and two female witnesses. whatever, The Marriage and divorce registration act 1974 equally treated both male and females.
3) Both the parties must be free in their consent.

Marriage in Bangladesh

How long do Bangladeshi weddings last?

Even though religious ceremonies are distinctive for a Hindu and Muslim wedding, there are some ceremonies that are common for weddings in Bangladesh. A Bangladeshi wedding lasts for 3 days, starting from engagement until bou bhaat(reception).

Can foreigners get married in Bangladesh?

Answer: Yes. Bangladesh Government has made provision of Registration of marriages which came into force in April-2012. Bangladeshi and Foreigner can register their marriage in accordance with The Special Marriage Act, 1872.

What is the law of marriage in Bangladesh?

In Bangladesh, marriage laws are based on a combination of religious and civil law. Civil laws dictate that the legal age of consent and minimum age for marriage is 18 for women and 21 for men. Bangladesh does not have a specific law banning forced marriage.

What is the punishment for second marriage in Bangladesh?

Whoever, having a husband or wife living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life of such husband or wife, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine

What is marriage like in Bangladesh?

Like many non-industrial societies, in Bangladeshi culture, marriage is seen as a union between two families rather than just two people. Within Bangladesh, arranged marriages are arguably the most common form of marriage and are considered traditional in society.

How many wife can you have in Bangladesh?

In Bangladesh multiple marriages doubled in the last decade. The limit is usually four wives, but money is the key determinant. Islamic law allows for 4 wives, consultation with existing spouses, and equal treatment. In practice spousal support may not be evenly or fairly distributed.

What is the main reason for divorce in Bangladesh?

Results indicated that extramarital affairs, substance abuse, physical abuse, dowry-related problems, abandonment, interference from in-laws, polygamy, personality problems, criminal activity, and unemployment of husbands are the primary factors responsible for divorce among women in Bangladesh.

How long does a divorce take in Bangladesh?

Time to complete the divorce process: The one sided divorce or divorce by notice can be completed within 90 days from the date receiving the notice by City Corporation or chairman. To complete a mutual divorce, in practice, both the husband and wife take their decision of giving divorce.

How much does a divorce cost in Bangladesh?

As per marriages and Divorces (Reg) Rules, 1975: A Nikah or Marriage Registrar shall charge a fee of BDT 200 (Two Hundred) for registration of divorce. The marriage registrar may also claim BDT. 25 as commission fee and BDT.

Is divorce common in Bangladesh?

The report said that, considering the total population of the country, the divorce rate is 42%, married rate is 65.26%, single rate is 28.65%, widow or widower rate is 5.31% and marital separation rate is 0.37%.

খুলনা বিভাগের পাত্র পাত্রী – বিবাহ বিডি

বাংলাদেশ বা প্রবাসে বসবাসরত কুষ্টিয়া, খুলনা, চুয়াডাঙ্গা, ঝিনাইদহ, নড়াইল, বাগেরহাট, মাগুরা, মেহেরপুর, যশোর, সাতক্ষীরা জেলার পাত্রপাত্রীর সন্ধান পেতে এখনি লগইন করুন।

পরিবারের প্রিয় সদস্যটির জন্য খুলনা বিভাগের উপযুক্ত পাত্র পাত্রীর খোঁজ পেতে নিশ্চিন্তে লগ ইন করুন অনলাইন বেইজ ম্যাট্রিমনিয়াল সার্ভিস বিবাহবিডি ডট কম ওয়েবসাইটে।

ঘরে বসেই ফ্রী রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করে চাহিদা অনুযায়ী পাত্রপাত্রীদের প্রোফাইল (ছবি সহ বায়োডাটা) দেখে পাত্রপাত্রী কিংবা অভিভাবকের সাথে সরাসরি নিজেরাই যোগাযোগ করা যায় দ্রুততম সময়ের মধ্যে।

Matrimony websites in Bangladesh
Leading and Popular Online Matrimony websites in Bangladesh

যে ধরনের প্রোফাইল পাবেনঃ

বিবাহবিডি ডট কম সার্ভিসে ১৮৪ টি প্রফেশন ক্যাটাগরীর, যেকোন শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতার, যেকোন ধর্মাবলম্বী হিন্দু, মুসলিম, বৌদ্ধ, খ্রীষ্টান, আদিবাসী –  গোত্র কিংবা কাষ্টের যেকোন বয়সের – অবিবাহিত, ডিভোর্স,  বিধবা, বিপত্নীক খুলনা সহ বাংলাদেশের যেকোন জেলার অধিবাসী এবং বিশ্বের প্রায় ৮০ টি দেশে বসবাসরত প্রবাসী বাংলাদেশী। 

তাছাড়াও বিবাহ বিডিতে রয়েছে কিছু ষ্পেশাল সার্চ ক্যাটাগরী
যেমন – ডিসেবেলীটিস সার্চ (শারীরিক বা স্বাস্থ্যগত প্রতিবন্ধকতা আছে এমন),
সিঙ্গেল ফাদার / সিঙ্গেল মাদার  সার্চ ( ডিভোর্স কিংবা বিধবা/বিপত্নীক ও সন্তান আছে এমন )।

কেন বিবাহবিডিতে পাত্র/পাত্রী খুঁজবেনঃ
জীবন একটাই  আর একটি সুখী ও সুন্দর জীবনের জন্য চাই একজন সুন্দর মনের মানুষ। অসংখ্য প্রোফাইল দেখে সঠিক সিদ্ধান্তে পৌছাতে নিজেই বিবাহবিডিতে প্রোফাইল করুন, নিজেই খুঁজুন এবং নিজেরাই রাজশাহী বিভাগের উপযুক্ত পাত্র/পাত্রী কিংবা তাদের অভিভাবকের সাথে সরাসরি যোগাযোগ করুন।  এতে লোক জানাজানির ঝামেলা যেমন নেই তেমনি খরচ ও অনেক কম।

প্রথমেই দেখে নিন কোন কোন প্রফেশনের কত জন পাত্র/পাত্রী এই মূহুর্তে বিবাহবিডিতে রয়েছে। লিংকে ক্লিক করুন 

যারা দাম্পত্য জীবনে সেপারেটেড আছেন কিংবা ইতিমধ্যে ডিভোর্স নিয়েছেন, তাদের জন্য বিবাহবিডিতে রয়েছে – 

ম্যারিটাল ষ্টেটাস সার্চ ও ইজি সার্চ অপশন যেখানে খুব সহজেই নিজ জেলা বা বিভাগের ডিভোর্স, বিধবা/বিপত্নীক, সেপারেটেড সহ সিংগেল ফাদার, সিংগেল মাদার প্রোফাইল গুলো ক্যাটাগরী অনুযায়ি সুবিন্যস্ত রয়েছে। 

পাঠকের সুবিধার্থে বিবাহবিডির সরাসরি কয়েকটি সার্চ রিজাল্টের লিংক নিম্নে দেয়া হলোঃ

প্রফেশন অনুযায়ী পাত্র/পাত্রী  খুঁজতে
শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা অনুযায়ী পাত্র/পাত্রী খুঁজতে
প্রবাসী পাত্র/পাত্রী  খুঁজতে
জেলা অনুযায়ী পাত্র/পাত্রী খুঁজতে


HOUSE: 02 (3rd Floor) BLOCK: G,
Hotline: +88 0961 22 11 555, 88 019 22 11 5555

Top Marriage Media in Bangladesh

The platform Bibahabd – Top Marriage Media in Bangladesh allows members to search, communicate, interact and finally find the right person.

Bibahabd is a trusted Marriage media or matrimony service provider who provides online and offline matchmaking service to find a suitable life partner for marital relationship since 2007.

Assisted matrimony services in Bangladesh
Assisted Matrimony Services in Bangladesh

Login to Bibahabd find Bangladeshi Never Married, Divorce, widowed, Single Mother, Single Father Bride groom of any age range.

You will find Division wise Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet or NRB Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian Bride Groom for Arranged Marriage.

Rest assured, within our extensive database, you shall discover a plethora of profiles featuring magnificent expatriate Bridegrooms hailing from diverse corners of the world, including the United States, United Kingdom, Middle East, Europe, Russia, and Japan.

Bangladeshi Marriage Media
Bibahabd providing online and offline matchmaking service to find a suitable life partner for marital relationship since 2007.

At Bibahabd, we hold firm to the belief that marriages are celestial unions, and our sole purpose is to turn those ethereal dreams into tangible realities.

Our platform caters to both the present generation and future aspirations, embracing the essence of contemporary times.

Understanding the significance of selecting the perfect match for a lasting marriage, we acknowledge that in this era of Information Technology, well-informed decisions are paramount.

Hence, our foundation rests on the principle of furnishing our members with a secure environment and unparalleled possibilities to connect with potential life partners, ensuring they make the most fitting and heartfelt choice.

Best Marriage Solution in Bangladesh | Bibahabd

Bibahabd providing best marriage solution online and offline for worldwide Bangladeshis.

Bibahabd ensure you Best Marriage Solution in Bangladesh, Matrimony Service who provides online and offline matchmaking service for worldwide Bangladeshi to find a suitable life partner for marital relationship since 2007.

Bangladeshi Marriage Media | Best Marriage Solution in Bangladesh | Bibahabd
Bibahabd | Best Marriage Solution in Bangladesh

Login to Bibahabd to find Bangladeshi Never Married, Divorce, widowed, Single Mother, Single Father Bride groom of any age range.

You will find Division wise Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet or NRB Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian Bride Groom for Arranged Marriage.

If you are an expatriate or Non Residential Bangladeshi, feel free to create a profile. We assure you that you will find profiles of huge expatriate Bride Groom in our database –

You will find profiles of expatriate Bangladeshis from the United States, United Kingdom, Middle East, Europe, Russia, Japan.

The platform Bibahabd allows members to search, communicate, interact and finally find the right person for them or their loved ones.

We at Bibahabd believe that marriages are made in heaven and we only intend in realizing those dreams.

It is a site for the generation of today and the future. We believe in the importance of making the right choice, for a marriage to last.

In this age of Information Technology, this decision needs to be made on the basis of sound information.

Bibahabd is founded on the main objective to provide its members with a secured environment and expanded opportunities in finding their potential life partners thus helping them in making the right choice.

Bangladeshi Marriage Media

Matrimony platform Bibahabd is the best Online & Offline Marriage Media in Bangladesh allows members to search, communicate, interact and finally find the right person.

Bibahabd is a trusted matrimony service provider who provides online and offline matchmaking service to find a suitable life partner for marital relationship since 2007.

Login to Bibahabd find Bangladeshi Never Married, Divorce, widowed, Single Mother, Single Father Bride groom of any age range.

You will find Division wise Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet or NRB Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian Bride Groom for Arranged Marriage.

Bangladeshi Marriage Media
Bangladeshi Marriage Media | Bibahabd

If you are an expatriate or Non Residential Bangladeshi, feel free to create a profile.

We assure you that you will find profiles of huge expatriate Bride Groom in our database –

You will find profiles of expatriate Bangladeshis from the United States, United Kingdom, Middle East, Europe, Russia, Japan.

We at Bibahabd believe that marriages are made in heaven and we only intend in realizing those dreams. It is a site for the generation of today and the future.

We believe in the importance of making the right choice, for a marriage to last. In this age of Information Technology, this decision needs to be made on the basis of sound information.

Bibahabd is founded on the main objective to provide its members with a secured environment and expanded opportunities in finding their potential life partners thus helping them in making the right choice.

  • Free Registration
    Click the registration link and fill up the form step by step. At last upload your front face recent photo to complete the signup process.
  • Easy To Search
    Being an active member you will be able to search unlimited profiles, add them to your favorite list, send proposal to your liked one.
  • Contact Directly
    You can contact with your chosen Bride/Groom or guardian directly by taking any of our packages. Be a member to enjoy full facilities.

Trusted Bangladeshi Marriage Site

Trusted marriage media in Bangladesh – “” believe that marriages are made in heaven and we only intend in realizing those dreams.

Bibahabd – Online Marriage Site, believe in the importance of making the right choice for a marriage to last.

In this age of Information Technology, this decision needs to be made on the basis of sound information.

Bibahabd is a the Best Bangladeshi marriage site & Trusted marriage media in Bangladesh, Leading matrimony service provider who provides –

Online and offline matchmaking service to find a suitable life partner for marital relationship since 2007.

It is a site for the generation of today and the future.

Login Bibahabd to find Bangladeshi Never Married, Divorce, widowed, Single Mother, Single Father Bride groom of any age range –

You will find Division wise Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet or –

NRB Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian Bride Groom for Arranged Marriage.

If you are an expatriate or Non Residential Bangladeshi, feel free to create a profile on Bibahabd.

We assure you that you will find profiles of huge expatriate Bride Groom in our database –

You will find Bride Groom profiles of Expatriate Bangladeshis from United States, United Kingdom, Middle East, Europe, Russia, Japan etc countries.

Trusted Bangladeshi Marriage Site
Trusted Bangladeshi Marriage Site

Bibahabd allows members to search, communicate, interact and finally find the right person.

Muslim Matrimonial Service in Bangladesh

If you are an expatriate or Non Residential Bangladeshi, feel free to create a profile on Bibahabd for Matrimony Service.

Trusted Muslim Matrimonial Service in Bangladesh who provides online and offline matchmaking service to find a suitable life partner for marital relationship since 2007.

We assure you that you will find profiles of huge expatriate Bride Groom in our database –
You will find profiles of expatriate Bangladeshis from the United States, United Kingdom, Middle East, Europe, Russia, Japan.

Login to find Bangladeshi Never Married, Divorce, widowed, Single Mother, Single Father Bride groom of any age range.

You will find Division wise Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet or –

NRB Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian Bride Groom for Arranged Marriage.

Login to find Bangladeshi Never Married, Divorce, widowed, Single Mother, Single Father Bride groom of any age range.
Muslim Matrimony Bangladesh | Bibahabd

The platform Bibahabd allows members to search, communicate, interact and finally find the right person for them or their loved ones.

We at Bibahabd Muslim Matrimonial Service in Bangladesh believe that marriages are made in heaven and we only intend in realizing those dreams.

It is a site for the generation of today and the future. We believe in the importance of making the right choice, for a marriage to last.

In this age of Information Technology, this decision needs to be made on the basis of sound information.

Bibahabd is founded on the main objective to provide its members with a secured environment and expanded opportunities in finding their potential life partners thus helping them in making the right choice.

Best Matchmaker in Bangladesh | Bibahabd

Bibahabd is the Best Matchmaker in Bangladesh for highly qualified, well known business class, industrialists and professionals like –

Doctors, Engineers, MBA, CA, Higher middle class to high profile business group. Elite class specialized for ultra rich family & Top 100 Bangladeshi families and all Hindus, Muslim, Cristian & Buddhist.

” When two souls meet each other, it removes all the barriers of castes and religions.

As long as the person is right, other factors are immaterial.

It’s true love that brings two people together and creates a happy world. “

Online Matrimonial System provide platform to a lot of Bride and Groom for finding perfect match. The main objective of Online Matrimonial System is to provide Grooms and Brides with excellent matchmaking experience by exploring the opportunities and resources to meet true to potential partner.

Bibahabd is the Best Matchmaker in Bangladesh for highly qualified, well known business class, industrialists and professionals.
Muslim Matrimony Bangladesh | Bibahabd

The drawback of existing system is that searching a good life partner in this world is the times Consuming and cost effective. Bibahabd matrimonial system is used to overcome these drawbacks.

It is said that today online matrimonial business is doing business of more than 100 crore. Therefore many branches and centers are open up in different areas all over the Bangladesh. 

Online Matrimonial Service Bibahabd websites are emerging as a major brand and developing into better form, keeping the needs and requirements of the applicants.

Various sections of profiles of an individual:
· Contact profile
· Work/career profile
· Location profile
· Physical profile
· Religious profile
· Community profile
· Personality profile
· Family profile

Photographs / documents support

In Online Matrimonial, the analysis are done by interest of attitudes of prospect profiles from similar social strata towards caste, marriage, family life, and the opposite sex, occupation, education and many other details.

With the increasing technology and convergence of media, the marriage making process has reached to the stage where marriage matchmaking search is a easy process and tradition is marketed in media with the help of matrimonial advertisements and online matrimonial.

Though there are new modern ways like matrimonial websites to seek mates online, but still there persists the traditional ideals like caste, profession, class, international exposure and the stereotyped physical features.

Arranged Marriage Statistics Bangladesh:

  • 55% of the marriages that occur in the world today are arranged marriages.
  • The rate of arranged marriages in Bangladesh is 90%.
  • In an arranged marriage, the man is usually 4.5 years older than the woman in the formed relationship.
  • 48% of the girls who are involved in an arranged marriage in Bangladesh are under the age of 18.
  • The divorce rate in Bangladesh is just 1.1%.
  • In some countries, the man or woman can refuse a selected spouse.

In the new era, vast popularity of internet users has made online matchmaking increasingly popular in Bangladesh.

It became a tool to search for prospective partners. It provides the comfort and choice of millions of prospects and much more information about a prospect.

In future, market continues to evolve, bring in more customers and serve to new generations, online matrimony will continue to thrive in Bangladesh for a very long time to come.

You can visit Bibahabd for more information and browse for matrimonial services.

Advantage of arranged marriage in Bangladesh

Bangladeshi online matrimonial is becoming one of the most profitable businesses in Bangladesh.

Advantage of arranged marriage in Bangladesh | Many People are looking forward to online matrimony; people do not only understand the advantages of being on net but they are also appreciating it and selecting their partners.

The online matrimonial world definitely has become a long way process. Those days are gone when the responsibility of choosing a life partner was placed on the parents, relatives, or some other elder member of the family.

Now these important decisions are taken by entire family member including the potential bride and groom.

Advantage of arranged marriage in Bangladesh

This is all possible because of online matrimonial site which has made easy to find your true life partner. In fact you are just a click away.

As per the recent research it was found out that search on matrimonial activity is the 12th most popular activity on the internet. The age group of 25–35 forms the biggest base of matrimonial users at 40 percent, and around age group of 18–24 at 30 percent.

Online Matrimonial System provide platform to a lot of Bride and Groom for finding perfect match. The main objective of Online Matrimonial System is to provide Grooms and Brides with excellent matchmaking experience by exploring the opportunities and resources to meet true to potential partner.

The drawback of existing system is that searching a good life partner in this world is the times Consuming and cost effective. Online matrimonial system is used to overcome these drawbacks. It is said that today online matrimonial business is doing business of more than 100 crore.

Therefore many branches and centers are open up in different areas all over the Bangladesh. Online matrimonial websites are emerging as a major brand and developing into better form, keeping the needs and requirements of the applicants.

Features of Online matrimonial Service Bibahabd:

  • Free registration Or Paid registration
  • 100% mobile verified profile
  • Security and privacy control options
  • Safe, secure and confidential
  • Daily matches via E-mail and SMS.
  • Accessible customer care centers
  • Wedding related services and products
  • Photo protection features
  • Browse Matrimonial Profiles by category
  • Screening system for prevention of abuses
  • Privacy protection options
  • Category based selection available
  • Region wise portals

Marriage is highly regarded in the Bangladeshi community and this has led to the rise in the number of matrimonial sites, which are mainly favored by Bangladeshi both abroad and at home as they are charged with uploading those who have Registered Profiles onto databases.

Bangladeshis are quite popular with such services, given the fact that their backgrounds are unique in their own way with issues such as caste being a factor to be considered whenever individuals decide to find their chosen suitors.

It is therefore these deep seated religious tangles that have seen Bangladeshis indulge in online matchmaking based on certain features.

Bangladeshis value their traditional backgrounds; there are websites that have been devoted to provide for certain languages and communities.