হিন্দু পাত্রপাত্রীর খোঁজ পেতে বিবাহবিডি

সম্ভ্রান্ত ও উচ্চ শিক্ষিত বাংলাদেশী হিন্দু পাত্রপাত্রীর খোঁজ পেতে বিবাহ বিডি’র রয়েছে সমৃদ্ধ ডাটাবেইজ।

পরিবারের প্রিয় সদস্যটির জন্য উপযুক্ত হিন্দু পাত্র পাত্রীর খোঁজ না পাওয়ায় কারনে
বিয়ের ব্যাপারে যদি সিদ্ধান্তহীনতায় ভোগে থাকেন তবে আপনার জন্যই অনলাইন বেইজ ম্যাট্রিমনিয়াল সার্ভিস বিবাহ বিডি ডট কম

ঘরে বসেই হিন্দু পাত্র পাত্রীর খোঁজ অনলাইনে

চাহিদা অনুযায়ী হিন্দু পাত্র পাত্রীদের ছবি সহ বায়োডাটা দেখে পাত্র পাত্রী বা অভিভাবকের সাথে সরাসরি নিজেরাই যোগাযোগ করতে নিশ্চিন্তে প্রোফাইল করুন।

বিবাহবিডি ডট কম, দীর্ঘ ২০০৭ সাল থেকে বিশ্বব্যাপী বাংলাদেশী পরিবারগুলোকে অনলাইন / অফলাইন সেবা নিশ্চিত করে আসছে।

হিন্দু ধর্মাবলম্বী পাত্রপাত্রীর খোঁজ
হিন্দুধর্মাবলম্বী পাত্রপাত্রী

যে ধরনের হিন্দু পাত্রপাত্রীর প্রোফাইল পাবেনঃ
১৮৪ টি প্রফেশন ক্যাটাগরীর, যেকোন শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতার, যেকোন  গোত্র কিংবা কাষ্টের, হিন্দু পাত্রপাত্রীর খোঁজ পাওয়া যাবে –

ব্রাহ্মণ পাত্র পাত্রী । পদবীসমূহ নিম্নরুপঃ
ভট্ট/ভট্টাচার্য্য, মুখোপাধ্যায়/মুখার্জী, বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়/ব্যানার্জী, গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়/গাঙ্গুলী, চট্টোপাধ্যায়/চ্যাটার্জী, উপাধ্যায়

গোস্বামী, চক্রবর্তী, লাহিড়ী, মিশ্র, মৈত্র, বাগচী, সান্যাল, ভাদুড়ী, ঘোষাল, তেওয়ারি/ত্রিবেদী, মৌলিক, কাঞ্জিলাল, শাস্ত্রী, আচার্য্য, শর্মা ।

বণিক পাত্র পাত্রী । পদবীসমূহ নিম্নরুপঃ
ধর, দ্ত্ত, মন্ডল/মণ্ডল, দে, শীল, নন্দী, মল্লিক, আঢ্য, কুন্ডু, পোদ্দার, বসাক, সাহা, বণিক, বড়াল, সেন, লাহা, রাহা

কায়স্থ  পাত্র পাত্রী । পদবীসমূহ নিম্নরুপঃ
দেব, চাকী, কর, মিত্র, নন্দী, দে, ধর, দত্ত, গুহ, পাইন, বসু/বোস, ঘোষ, বিশ্বাস, মণ্ডল/মন্ডল, উকিল, মল্লিক, পাল, ভঞ্জ, মজুমদার

সিংহ, চৌধুরী, সরকার, করণ, রায়, সুর, চন্দ, কুন্ডু, আইচ, দাস

মাহিষ্য পাত্র পাত্রী । পদবীসমূহ নিম্নরুপঃ
দাস, বিশ্বাস, মন্ডল/মণ্ডল, সিংহ, চৌধুরী, অধিকারী, গোস্বামী, কবিরাজ, ওঝা, উকিল, পুরকায়স্থ, তরফদার, আদক, সাঁতরা, ভৌমিক, প্রামাণিক

সরকার, রায়, মজুমদার, মল্লিক, মাইতি, জানা, বেরা, ধাড়া, গিরি, মান্না, দিন্দা, কারক, সামন্ত, হাজরা

ভূ-স্বামী পাত্র পাত্রী । পদবীসমূহ নিম্নরুপঃ
মুন্সী, মণ্ডল, চাকলাদার, তালুকদার, রায় বাহাদুর, চৌধুরী, ঠাকুর, প্রধান, মল্লিক, রায়চৌধুরী, দস্তিদার, খাস্তগীর, সরকার, বর্ধন, মহলানবীশ, মজুমদার, দেওয়ান

নমঃশূদ্র বা নমঃস্বেজ পাত্র পাত্রী। পদবীসমূহ নিম্নরুপঃ
ভক্ত, দাস, বাসফোর, মল্লবর্মণ, বর্মণ/বর্মা, মুচি/চর্মকার, ঘোষ, মোদক, শীল, দেববর্মা, হালদার, বিশ্বাস, রাজবংশী

পেশা হিসেবে পদবীঃ
কানুনগো, কারিগর, কর্মকার, ঘটক, গোঁসাই, পালাকার, নাগ (শাঁখারী), ভাঁড়, শোলাকার, মালাকার, ঘরামী, মিস্ত্রী, সূত্রধর/সুতার, পাঁটিকার

বাড়ৈ, হাজরা, হালদার, মাঝি, মালী, পাখাধরা, কার্য্যী, দেওরী, ওঝা, পটুয়া, পাটোয়ারি, ডাকুয়া, পাল, বৈদ্য, গুণ, পাজা, গদগদ,বালা জলদাস জলধর, বড়াল, সাহানী / সোহানী, বর, খাঁ, রং, সাউদ, গায়েন, ব্রজবাসী, মহন্ত

যেকোন বয়সের অবিবাহিত, ডিভোর্স, বিধবা, বিপত্নীক, বাংলাদেশের যেকোন জেলার অধিবাসী এবং বিশ্বের প্রায় ৮০ টি দেশে বসবাসরত প্রবাসী বাংলাদেশী হিন্দু ধর্মাবলম্বী পাত্রপাত্রীর সন্ধান পেতে লিংকে ক্লিক করুন।

তাছাড়াও বিবাহ বিডিতে রয়েছে কিছু ষ্পেশাল সার্চ ক্যাটাগরী যেমন
– ডিসেবেলীটিস সার্চ (শারীরিক বা স্বাস্থ্যগত প্রতিবন্ধকতা আছে এমন)
– সিঙ্গেল ফাদার / সিঙ্গেল মাদার  সার্চ
( ডিভোর্স কিংবা বিধবা/বিপত্নীক ও সন্তান আছে এমন )।

কেন বিবাহবিডিতে হিন্দু পাত্র/পাত্রী খুঁজবেনঃ
জীবন একটাই  আর একটি সুখী ও সুন্দর জীবনের জন্য চাই একজন সুন্দর মনের মানুষ। অসংখ্য প্রোফাইল দেখে সঠিক সিদ্ধান্তে পৌছাতে নিজেই বিবাহবিডিতে প্রোফাইল করুন

নিজেই খুঁজুন এবং নিজেরাই পাত্র/পাত্রী কিংবা তাদের অভিভাবকের সাথে সরাসরি যোগাযোগ করুন।  এতে লোক জানাজানির ঝামেলা যেমন নেই তেমনি খরচ ও অনেক কম।

যারা দাম্পত্য জীবনে সেপারেটেড আছেন কিংবা ইতিমধ্যে ডিভোর্স নিয়েছেন, তাদের জন্য বিবাহবিডিতে রয়েছে –

ম্যারিটাল ষ্টেটাস সার্চ ও ইজি সার্চ  অপশন –
যেখানে খুব সহজেই ডিভোর্স, বিধবা/বিপত্নীক, সেপারেটেড সহ [সিংগেল ফাদার] , [সিংগেল মাদার] প্রোফাইল গুলো ক্যাটাগরী অনুযায়ি সুবিন্যস্ত রয়েছে।

আপনি যদি বিয়ের ব্যাপারে সিরিয়াস হয়ে থাকেন তবে রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করুন। 
অথবা বিস্তারিত জানতেঃ

বিবাহবিডি ডট কম
HOUSE # 02 (3rd Floor) BLOCK: G,

Hotline: +88 01922 115555, 88 01944 115555, 88 019 71 24 2242
Customer Care: + (88) 0961 22 11 555 Office: 02-4729-1212

Hindu Marriage Media in Bangladesh

Bibahabd is one of the Best Hindu marriage media in Bangladesh or Hindu Matrimony service provider.

Who provides online and offline matchmaking service to find a suitable partner / Bride Groom for marital relationship.

Log into Bibahabd The Best Hindu Marriage Media in Bangladesh for Hindu Never Married, Divorce, widowed Bride Groom.

You will find Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, and Sylhet or NRB Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian Bride Groom for Arranged Marriage.

There are now more than 3,000 Hindu castes in all over the world, and an even greater number of sub-castes.

Here are six of the most significant:

Best Hindu marriage media in Bangladesh
Best Hindu marriage media in Bangladesh | Bangladesh Hindu Matrimony
  • Hindu Brahmins Bride Groom
    The highest of all the castes, and traditionally priests or teachers, Brahmins make up a small part of the population. The British colonial authorities gave Brahmins influential clerical jobs.
  • Hindu Kshatriyas Bride Groom
    Meaning “protector[s] of the gentle people,” Kshatriyas were traditionally the military class. They are now predominantly a land-owning caste and are diminished in power.
  • Hindu Vaishyas Bride Groom : A caste that is influential in trade, the Vaishyas were traditionally cattle-herders, agriculturalists, artisans and merchants. They are now associated with the middle-class and social advancement and make up around one fifth of Bangladeshis Hindu population.
  • Hindu Shudras Bride Groom : The lowest of the four ancient social classes, or Varnas -, the Shudras were considered so low as to be prohibited from the study of the “Vedas,” the earliest texts of sacred literature. Shudras are now considered to be a “scheduled caste” .
  • Hindu Adivasi Bride Groom : The term is used to refer to a collection of ethnic and tribal groups regarded as Bangladeshi’s aboriginal Hindu people. More than 95 per cent of Adivasis live in rural areas. Sixty-eight per cent do not reach high school.
  • Hindu Dalits Bride Groom : The word “Dalit,” derived from Sanskrit, means “ground,” “suppressed” or “crushed.” Considered the lowliest people of all the castes, Dalits are typically associated with Occupations regarded as ritually impure, such as those involving waste or carcasses.

We at Bibahabd believe that marriages are made in heaven and we only intend in realizing those dreams. It is a site for the generation of today and the future.

Advantage of arranged marriage in Bangladesh

Bangladeshi online matrimonial is becoming one of the most profitable businesses in Bangladesh.

Advantage of arranged marriage in Bangladesh | Many People are looking forward to online matrimony; people do not only understand the advantages of being on net but they are also appreciating it and selecting their partners.

The online matrimonial world definitely has become a long way process. Those days are gone when the responsibility of choosing a life partner was placed on the parents, relatives, or some other elder member of the family.

Now these important decisions are taken by entire family member including the potential bride and groom.

Advantage of arranged marriage in Bangladesh

This is all possible because of online matrimonial site which has made easy to find your true life partner. In fact you are just a click away.

As per the recent research it was found out that search on matrimonial activity is the 12th most popular activity on the internet. The age group of 25–35 forms the biggest base of matrimonial users at 40 percent, and around age group of 18–24 at 30 percent.

Online Matrimonial System provide platform to a lot of Bride and Groom for finding perfect match. The main objective of Online Matrimonial System is to provide Grooms and Brides with excellent matchmaking experience by exploring the opportunities and resources to meet true to potential partner.

The drawback of existing system is that searching a good life partner in this world is the times Consuming and cost effective. Online matrimonial system is used to overcome these drawbacks. It is said that today online matrimonial business is doing business of more than 100 crore.

Therefore many branches and centers are open up in different areas all over the Bangladesh. Online matrimonial websites are emerging as a major brand and developing into better form, keeping the needs and requirements of the applicants.

Features of Online matrimonial Service Bibahabd:

  • Free registration Or Paid registration
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  • Security and privacy control options
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  • Daily matches via E-mail and SMS.
  • Accessible customer care centers
  • Wedding related services and products
  • Photo protection features
  • Browse Matrimonial Profiles by category
  • Screening system for prevention of abuses
  • Privacy protection options
  • Category based selection available
  • Region wise portals

Marriage is highly regarded in the Bangladeshi community and this has led to the rise in the number of matrimonial sites, which are mainly favored by Bangladeshi both abroad and at home as they are charged with uploading those who have Registered Profiles onto databases.

Bangladeshis are quite popular with such services, given the fact that their backgrounds are unique in their own way with issues such as caste being a factor to be considered whenever individuals decide to find their chosen suitors.

It is therefore these deep seated religious tangles that have seen Bangladeshis indulge in online matchmaking based on certain features.

Bangladeshis value their traditional backgrounds; there are websites that have been devoted to provide for certain languages and communities.

Bangladeshi Matrimony | Bibahabd Since 2007

Bangladeshi Matrimony Service Bibahabd is the first matrimonial web portal in Bangladesh for Arranged Marriage.

Who has been providing services to Bangladeshi families all over Bangladesh and around the world since 2007.

Bangladeshi Matrimony – Bibahabd National award-winning company currently has more than 9 lakh Facebook followers. The company has been successfully providing services in Bangladesh with the most success stories.

Bangladeshi arranged marriage
Bangladeshi arranged marriage couple on their wedding day

You can visit Bangladeshi Matrimony web site Bibahabd to find established Bangladeshi Bride Grooms.

Bibahabd.com is a trusted Online Marriage Media for the past 15 years to find worldwide Bangladeshi Muslim, Hindu, Christian and Buddhist Bride Groom.

Where are from Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet divisions of Bangladesh.

From the category of Unmarried, Divorced, Widowed Bride Groom can be found and those living in Bangladesh and abroad.

Login to find Bangladeshi Never Married, Divorce, widowed Bride groom. From here you will find Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, and Sylhet –

NRB Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian Bride Groom for Arranged Marriage.

The platform Bibahabd allows members to search, communicate, interact and finally find the right person for them or their loved ones.

We at bibahabd.com believe that marriages are made in heaven and we only intend in realizing those dreams. It is a site for the generation of today and the future.

We believe in the importance of making the right choice, for a marriage to last. In this age of Information Technology, this decision needs to be made on the basis of sound information.

Bibahabd is founded on the main objective to provide its members with a secured environment and expanded opportunities in finding their potential life partners thus helping them in making the right choice.

Single Mother in Bangladesh

A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people refusing to give up.

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person, but, sometimes things may not end up as one has always dreamed.

Single Mother in Bangladesh | What if that give up phase comes up? Sometimes people do face situations that they never dreamed of, that breaks their soul. But is it the end of someone’s life? Should someone put a full stop to our hopes, ambition, and especially to parenthood.

Single Mother | Single parents, especially moms, face a number of challenges every day across the globe and especially in Bangladesh.


This article is just an attempt to cover all the griefs and challenges of a single mother.

Single Mother | Bangladesh

Some women opt for single motherhood, while the majority of them are divorced mothers or widows.

In our patriarchal society, where some people shout that women have now received much more rights than before under the name of feminism, which is, in my belief, a right that women should not ask for or feel entitled to use –

it’s their fundamental right and women are just snatching back their freedom from this patriarchal society.

Maybe feminism, sometimes, has been misused but is it right to generalize it under the topic feminism and suppress the whole movement?

While some women have successfully recognized their fundamental rights and are raising their voices against their suppression, some ladies, at this present era, are suffering silently and paying an emotional cost to start an independent life after marriage, raise their child without a father or even think smoothly of a second marriage.

No one knows the fate of a relationship. It becomes really hard for a single parent to raise up a child all on his/her own.

Apart from social stigma, there are a lot more challenges like:- Financial pressure- Confronting the child- Depression and anxiety- Work/life Balance.- Hard to find reliable childcare support.

Single parents already face too many problems, and talking especially about single mothers, here are some challenges they face every day in Bangladeshi society:

  • Lack of a support system
    Besides being the sole breadwinners, they have to take care of their children and mana a home single-handedly. Other than the financial challenges, being a single mother is also emotionally draining and stressful.

    The sense of loneliness is enhanced when the workplace environment is unpleasant and not accommodating.
  • High vulnerability and being judge
    In Bangladesh, where patriarchy is quite prevalent, a single mother is treated differently from someone who has a husband.

    Single moms often face illicit approaches by other men, ranging from mild flirtations to subtle hints to sexual harassment.
    It becomes particularly disturbing for those women who have been victims of harassment, abuse, and domestic violence.

    This adds to their stress and they often don’t share their grievances with anyone, fearing being judged. “Being single doesn’t mean that we are available.

    It’s important that the way single mothers are perceived in society should change.

    Rather than considering a single mother weak, it’s high time society starts looking at our strengths. Even today, single mothers find it difficult to accept their status in an open forum, because people tend to judge.

    A divorcee is often judged for her character because, in a patriarchal set-up, women are expected to accept men the way they are.

    It doesn’t matter if the husbands are drunkards, gamblers, or womanizers,
    ” says Dhaka-based Kulsom Akter Dipa, who parted ways with her husband many years ago. “I am happy being single, rather than being cheated on,” she adds.

Another single mother, Nusrat Sultana Tanni, says, “Women in Bangladesh and everywhere, are constantly judged.

I have been called strong, willful, headstrong, weak, unsteady, and been pitied. In turn, people have also assumed that I cannot sustain relationships, I am fast/ have a loose character, etc.

I have been cautioned not to post too many pictures on Facebook that show me ‘partying’ or having a good time –

lest people think I am neglecting my child. Patriarchy is age-old and deeply entrenched in most of us, else would we even get married or utter vows to love, honor, and obey?

Single Mother Bangladesh
Single Mother Bangladesh Bride Groom | Bibahabd

Despite many examples of strong single mothers, women ably and single-handedly raising their children in Bangladesh today, she is still expected to be ‘sanskaari’, waiting for the next man/ marriage, and made the butt of jokes and snide remarks.”

City-based media professional, Riya (Not Actual Name), shares, “I often face this (being approached by men), but since I have been a single mom for a while, I know how to overcome such situations.

I chose the path (single motherhood) for a reason and I have proven to the world that I’m a confident woman, who can fight all the challenges with a smile on my face.”

  • Social pressures of getting married
    Many single mothers have experienced that in Bangladesh, there’s always the pressure of getting married. “Society conveniently ignores the complex family bond that might get created if a single mother remarries.

    It’s (remarriage) a risk, which may work or may fail miserably. But as a single parent, unsolicited advice is bound to come your way,” says Dr. Noor.

    Single mothers are becoming frequent in present Bangladesh with the ongoing globalization, urbanization, and more recently on account of raped or unmarried women willing to bring up their child all on their own.

    On their way to parenting, women have to face various hardships from the Government administration, schools, and most importantly from the patriarchal society like:

    All forms mandate that the father’s name be written who is considered the ‘first guardian’ of the child. Divorced women are seen with contempt by the neighborhood while a widow is sympathized instead of empathetic.

    Single woman is harassed expecting her weak to react. Some unmarried women are even forced to leave the child in an orphanage or face ostracization by their own family or society.

    The child is also at times ill-treated on account of having no father.
    Her friendship with male colleagues has seen with suspicion and her character assassinated.

    Financial troubles as they are the sole breadwinner of the family.
    Sometimes face emotional trauma as they have no one to share their problems with.

    Bangladeshi society has traditionally laid more emphasis on the “ideal family led by father” than on individual choice. Hemmed with the global current of change, the patriarchal society is yet to adjust to the concept of single mothers.

    The reaction of conservative elements has been severe, and sometimes even humiliating. The single women, whether unwed or divorced, are seen with distrust and considered incapable of handling relationships.

    They are often also discriminated against in career opportunities.

    Till recently, such discrimination even had a legal sanction. The Guardianship and Wards act denied single mothers complete guardianship of their children and put them at the mercy of the unconcerned child’s father.

    The challenge of demolishing deep-seated patriarchies in society will require far more than legal tinkering. It calls for a change in the mental attitude of society.

Best Marriage Media Bangladesh

Bibahabd makes for a perfect substitute for millions of Bangladeshis who are now connected to the web and still belong to traditional beliefs.

Best Marriage Media BIBAHABD are most definitely a preferred substitute to conventional sources to find brides and grooms.

Best Marriage Media in Bangladesh
Best Marriage Media in Bangladesh

Easy to Search:

It is simple for anyone to simply log onto Bibahabd of their choice and register by uploading a bio-data with information of their choice.

It offers user-friendly interfaces for youth as well as parents to conduct searches based on their preferences and initiative conversation with a click of a mouse.

This ideal blend between Bangladeshi traditional systems and modern technology has made it possible for Bangladeshi bachelors and spinsters around the world and explore and find themselves the perfect match for life.

Bibahabd Matrimony profiles of an individual:

  • Contact profile
  • Work/career profile
  • Location profile
  • Physical profile
  • Religious profile
  • Community profile
  • Personality profile
  • Family profile
  • Photographs / Documents support

There are many advantages of using “BIBAHABD” – Bangladeshi matrimonial Service, such as some Bibahabd sites permit chatting with other interested individual by live chat options.

Everyone can perform a matrimonial registration to help your acquaintances finding a perfect life partner.

This is the most helpful way to understand each other liking and disliking. That is actually factual that marriage will occur once in a life.

Always give unquestionable and dependable queries, unless data will mislead your all future. So present yourself as you are.

Today in Bangladeshi people search their life colleague as par their alternative.

This is a nice way to search for marriage partners but sometimes there are fake profiles to mislead people.

It’s genuinely tough to find the genuine persons with genuine profile in these Bangladeshi matrimonial sites.

But still your good efforts to ascertain each and every profile methodically and make online matrimony an astonishing experience for you.

Advantages of BIBHABD Matrimony Service

  • Economic — Save Time and Money
  • Easily Accessible
  • Filtered Results
  • Easy to Communicate
  • Informative
  • Unlimited Choice
  • Advanced Search
  • Availability of Picture and Video
  • Authenticity
  • Privacy
  • Past History

Choosing from the Hundred of matrimonial sites in a country like Bangladesh is a problem. Many matrimonial websites boast high success rate and flexible features with paid or free membership option.

In recent time, community based matrimonial sites are booming and traditional approach still a way for matrimonial search.

Matrimonial site BIBAHABD makes matchmaking process easier, as the details of a suitable partner are just a click away.

Matrimonial Service Bibahabd is easy to use and all you have to do is register, create profile, give your requirement specification details, you can set filters, and express your interest.

The matrimonial system brings you only relevant profiles and assures mostly 100% safety. You can choose to provide your contact location details to only those you are.

Paid memberships allow you to get the phone number, email or chat with the person you are interested in. Normally, Registration is free and but paid premium membership is available for extended services.

Why Bangladeshi Matrimonial Service BIBAHABD is the best solution:
Marriage itself is a sacred bond that occurs not only between a bride and a groom but also between their respective families.

The bond is not dependent on the type of marriage or even how extravagant the matrimony may be. Neither a love marriage nor an arranged marriage can guarantee success and both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Online matrimonial Service
BIBAHABD is still a part of arranged marriage as even with online services, parents continue to perform the role of initiating, searching and filtering potential partners.

The use of online matrimonial services in fact seems to make it easier to find someone within the sub-caste, religion or community of your choice.

 It is evident that online matrimonial services have introduced new elements into the process of arranging marriage that are made possible by technology.

Online matrimonial, electronics dating and matrimonial web sites are changing the rules of how relationships are formed and maintained in communities all over the world.

For more information –
visit our website | www.bibahabd.com

Matchmaking Service in Bangladesh

Everyone of marriageable age wants a nice life partner or decent soul mate.

Normally, we have generally heard two kinds of marriages in Bangladesh which are Love wedding marriage and other is arrange wedding marriage.

But today one more kind of wedding ceremony has been supplemented; Yes its Online Matchmaking Service in Bangladesh. There are numerous Bangladeshi matrimonial sites where one can find the suitable Bangladeshi brides and Bangladeshi Grooms.

Matrimony websites in Bangladesh
Matchmaking Service in Bangladesh

These Bangladeshi matrimonial site Bibahabd have made the life more very simple, easy and befitting to seek perfect life partner.

There are numerous option and choices are accessible in these sites. Almost 20,000K genuine people listed their selves in these sites.

To list anyone on Bangladeshi Matrimonial sites one should give entire profile details such as title, gender, requirement, family background, occupation, photograph and suitable partner preferences.

You no need wedding marriage brokers, select your life partner your own on just couple of clicks only.

There are many advantages of using Bangladeshi matrimonial sites, such as some Bangladeshi matrimonial sites permit chatting with other interested individual by live chat options.

Everyone can perform a matrimonial registration to help your acquaintances finding a perfect life partner. This is the most helpful way to understand each other liking and disliking.

Today in Bangladesh people search their life colleague as par their alternative.

Matchmaking Service in Bangladesh

This is a nice way to search for marriage partners but sometimes there are fake profiles to mislead people.

It’s genuinely tough to find the genuine persons with genuine profile in these Bangladeshi matrimonial sites. But still your good efforts to ascertain each and every profile methodically and make online matrimony an astonishing experience for you.

Advantages of online matrimonial Service Bibahabd:

  • Economic — Save Time and Money
  • Easily Accessible
  • Filtered Results
  • Easy to Communicate
  • Informative· Unlimited Choice
  • Advanced Search
  • Availability of Picture and Video
  • Authenticity
  • Privacy
  • Past History

It is better to verify multiple times about the websites or you can call to other users to know about the authenticity and services of the location.

If the Bangladeshi matrimonial location is fine then be careful while searching Bangladeshi bride and Bangladeshi groom because it is the inquiry for the whole of your life.

Bangladeshis might have a firm grasp over the idea of online matrimonial websites, but matchmaking and dating apps on the other hand is something that people are now adapting to.

In Bangladesh, Matchmaking site users match based on common interests, profession, lifestyle, interests etc. Matchmaking sites fills the gap between the casual arranged marriage and internet based love marriages.

Matchmaking sites likes Bibahabd, provide these users with a sophisticated, secure and private platform to help them find their life partners. In our increasingly isolated lives, finding a life partner is becoming one of life’s biggest challenges and matrimonial services are committed to solving that human problem.

Online matrimony also caters to lot of type of visitors. Matrimonial sites also target the parents who are looking for a suitable match for their children.

They make something as important as finding a life partner a very transaction process, where you are assessing someone not based on who they are but filters like weight, complexion, nationality, age, gender, availability of photograph and often religion, geographic location and caste. In the current times, matrimonial sites have truly had a future to help eligible bachelors and parent to find a perfect groom or bride for their acquaintances.

You can visit Bibahabd for more information and use of service facilities.

Trusted matrimonial website in Bangladesh

There are few matrimonial websites with good amount of brand name like Bibahabd –

In the modern age –
Matrimonial websites are redefining the traditional way of meeting people for marriage.

BIBAHABD Trusted matrimonial website in Bangladesh is Now ensure world renowned service. You need to Register your profile on the website.

If there is any matter of urgency and you can avail more benefits by registering in the premium membership by paying few sign up fees. The system posses will be same as others sites like you have to register into their portal like Email id, cell number and your family preferences, about your qualifications, caste, education , appearance, occupation and residence address etc.

There are few features of using trusted matrimonial websites.

There are many trusted Bangladeshi matrimonial websites with good amount of brand name. In the modern age, matrimonial websites are redefining the traditional way of meeting people for marriage.
BibahaBD – Best Bangladeshi Matrimonial Website

Based on Data Security:
There are many matrimonial websites which protects its user database by employing various encryption methods. Some websites have security sign in their websites, which ensures much better data security for users.

Online payment: Users also put private data for online payment and credit card, debit card uses, as people chose premium membership to avail extra benefits.

Customer service : Many companies have 24*7 customer service team and there is a privacy protection options. There is also need of security for user data and pictures uploaded by the peoples. Matrimonial websites are deploying advanced technologically for screening system for prevention of abuses.

Based on functions:

The websites which take very care about screening system & millions of members and the websites which offers many convenient premium packages to select from special offers and functions for premium membership category.

There are also verified contact details of members. Chatting option is also very much needed for premium customers.

Quick response services & discounts on events is also very useful. You may use site to find matches from Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Sylhet etc.

You may choose from the wide list of Hindu, Muslim, Christian, inter religion and no religious group of people.

If you have any doubts in dealing with the options, then you can contact 24 x 7 hours otherwise you may on toll free number, if they provide it.

Best on User friendliness:

In today busy life, people have hardly few hours left to execute personal work. User friendly and good search options are very much essential for a website to become successful one.

After registering in matrimonial websites, everyone needs to make sure that you are going to meet the very standards where you are looking for your spouse. You have a list of qualities that you want in your behalf because your reaming life will be with your spouse.

It is important to know some things like key strengths, weak points, well being each and everything may it helpful for finding right person.


In future, market continues to evolve, bring in more customers and serve to new generations, online matrimony will continue to thrive in Bangladesh for a very long time to come.

Visit BibahaBD to search and find your soul mate from thousand members in the data base.

Arranged Marriage in Bangladesh

Arranged Marriages in Bangladesh are often assisted or arranged by the two families of the bride and groom but these can only take place with the consent of both parties.

Many young people will attend mixed schools, where pupils are taught and socialize in a more informal way.

Arranged Marriage in Bangladesh
Bangladeshi Marriage Photo | Bangladeshi arranged marriage couple on their wedding day

Arranged marriages ensure that marriages are based on compatibility rather than lustful feelings. It is thought that a marriage like this will be less likely to end in divorce.

Most religions consider family life to be a blessing and value the stability of marriage. For Muslims, marriage was created by Allah to provide a foundation for family life and the whole of society.

In the urban culture of modern Bangladesh, the differentiation between arranged and love marriages is increasingly seen as a “false dichotomy” with the emergence of phenomena such as “self-arranged marriages” and free-choice on the part of the prospective spouses.

Self-arranged marriages:

It is increasingly common in Bangladesh for a couple that has met by themselves and is involved romantically to go through the process of an arranged marriage with that specific partner in mind.

Since arranged marriages result in a deep meshing and unification of extended families and are believed to contribute to marital stability, many couples orchestrate their marriages with each other through the processes of an arranged marriage.

These marriages are often referred to as “self-arranged marriages” or “love-arranged marriages” in Bangladesh.

The arranged marriage process:

Arranged marriages vary widely by region and community across the worldwide Bangladeshis.

The marriage process usually begins with a realization in the family that a child is old enough to marry.

For a girl, it is during her graduation or early twenties; for a boy, it is after he is ‘settled’, with a decent job and consistent earnings.

The initiation can occur when a parent or a relative (such as an aunt or an elder sister or sister-in-law) initiates a conversation on the topic or the son/daughter approaches the parent/relative and expresses the desire to be married.

This relative effectively acts as a sponsor, taking responsibility to get the boy/girl married to a good partner.

Finding a matchmaker:

If the son/daughter has an identified love interest, the sponsor often takes it upon themselves to try to orchestrate a match with that individual.

If no such person exists, the sponsor begins the process of identifying suitable candidates.

This is usually done via an intermediary matchmaker who has a social reputation for maintaining discretion and brokering successful weddings. The sponsor approaches the matchmaker with a photograph.

The matchmaker is often an elderly socialite who is liked and widely connected to many families.

In some regions, specific professions are associated with matchmaking. If no good matchmaker is accessible to the family, the family may resort to matrimonial advertising in newspapers or Matrimonial websites Like BIBAHABD.

Meeting prospective spouses:

If the prospective partners express a desire to meet or if the families are enthusiastic about a potential match, it is customary for the prospective groom’s family to visit the prospective bride’s family.

It is traditional for the boy’s family to arrive (with the boy) and be seated with the entire girl’s family except the girl, who then makes a dramatic entrance dressed in fine clothes, often bringing tea and refreshments.

This practice is sometimes called “seeing the girl”, during this visit, the boy and girl are often encouraged to meet and talk by themselves in a separate room.

The families usually part after this initial meeting without any commitment made by either side and with the expectation that they will confer separately and send word through the matchmaker should they be interested in pursuing matters.

These meetings are understood to be non-exclusive, i.e., both the boy and girl are expected to similarly meet with other potential partners at this stage.

There is an expectation of total confidentiality. Families do not usually disclose who else is being considered for their son/daughter and expect reciprocal confidentiality from the other party.

If there is interest from both sides, the matchmaker passes the word to them. If the families are unfamiliar with each other or live in areas far apart, they will frequently launch inquiries through their social and kin networks, attempting to gather as much independent information as possible about the prospective partner.

Since urban Bangladeshi nuclear families often lack these extensive networks, many private detective agencies have begun to offer “Matrimonial Investigation Services” which investigate the personal and professional histories of a prospective spouse for a fee.


Once there is mutual agreement between the prospective bride and groom that they would like to marry, and no red flags have emerged about either party in the inquiries conducted formally or informally, the other prospective spouses are declined and their photographs and other documents returned.

Families usually attempt to maintain a high level of cordiality in these interactions, often invoking the idea of Match Making (predestined relationship, roughly equivalent to the idea that “marriages are made in heaven”) to defuse any sense of rancor or rejection.

An engagement ceremony or a pre-engagement ceremony follows.

In urban areas, the future spouses are often expected to go out on dates and develop a romantic relationship in the period between their engagement and their wedding.

In more conservative rural areas, a period of greater freedom in interaction, or even romantic courtship, between the man and woman follows.

Though dating may not be socially permissible, nonetheless the couple may talk over the phone.

Popular matrimony websites in Bangladesh

Bibahabd is a Popular Online Matrimony website in Bangladesh Merging tradition with technology since 2007.

As a registered user and subscriber of Popular Matrimony websites in Bangladesh Bibahabd for the past couple of years with the leading online-web portals for matrimony, the author of this paper has spend hours in understanding the dynamics of these portals and in that context consumer perception of the online matrimony.

Bibahabd sections of profiles of an individual:

  • Contact profile
  • Work/career profile
  • Location profile
  • Physical profile
  • Religious profile
  • Community profile
  • Personality profile
  • Family profile
  • Photographs / documents support

While the parents would typically be depending on marriage brokers and classified ads, the web offers a larger variety of platforms to search for along with easier options to categorize search requirements to find a perfect match for daughter or son.

Why online matrimonial Bibahabd website are getting so popular:

  • Free Registration
  • Many choices
  • Convenience
  • Short List and Forward Facility
  • Affordability
  • Neutrality
  • Consumer Experience

Bibahabd Free Registration:
Registration is free of cost-and the prospects need to have an access to Bibahabd online matrimonial website through Internet connection.

Popular Matrimony websites in Bangladesh
Popular Matrimony websites in Bangladesh

Many choices:
Relatives of the prospects can’t bring a choice of thousands of prospective grooms or brides. Newspaper can’t do it either with limited classifieds. Nor can your offline matrimonial services. They, at best, can show pictures of a few hundred.

But when it comes to internet, the choices are endless as more and more get added every day. All you need is time, and the matrimonial websites spread before you profile upon profile of suitable personalities. Just set your search criteria, sit down comfortably and you are set to browse through thousands of profiles.

One thing that internet ensures, in every field that it is used, is convenience of use. And finding brides or grooms through it is no different.

All one need is a computer and an internet connection, and one is set to browse through thousands of matrimonial profiles, right from your home and available all day. Registered users shall download mobile application which brings more flexibility and convenient time to search.

Short List and Forward Facility:
One is able to shortlist or forwards the profiles to their relatives to have a look at the profile delivered to their e-mail ID or simply send the interested profile ID to your relatives and friends to have a say or invite opinion.

The convenience doesn’t come expensive either. One can actually browse through the profile totally free of costs. Creation of profiles is free as well.

But of course, in most of the websites, you need to pay to acquire access to vital information like contact details. However, 100% free matrimonial websites are there too and they work quite as well as the paid websites.

One place where online matrimonial websites win over suggestions by friends and neighbors is by ensuring complete neutrality.

They have no inclination to hide anything, or exaggerate anything. Of course, people may lie about themselves in their profiles. And that’s where you need to be careful.

Consumer Experience:
The bride shall find her groom through one such online matrimonial website, or rather, the parents found him for her or vice versa.

Since all Online-portals offer free registration and sometimes the perception of users are found to be fraudulent or playful attitude for fun may bring bad reputation of this business activity. But overall matchmaking by matrimonial websites offers a good consumer experience for marriage.

As a registered user and subscriber of online matrimony for the past couple of years with the leading online web portals for matrimony, the author of this paper has spend hours in understanding the dynamics of these portals and in that context consumer perception of the online matrimony as self service technology is viewed and analyzed.

The first impression is that these web portals of online matrimony has come to stay and do active business with subscribers or registered users.

Visit bibahabd to make your matrimonial search a successful one.