Bibahabd is one of the Best Hindu marriage media in Bangladesh or Hindu Matrimony service provider.
Who provides online and offline matchmaking service to find a suitable partner / Bride Groom for marital relationship.
Log into Bibahabd The Best Hindu Marriage Media in Bangladesh for Hindu Never Married, Divorce, widowed Bride Groom.
You will find Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, and Sylhet or NRB Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian Bride Groom for Arranged Marriage.
There are now more than 3,000 Hindu castes in all over the world, and an even greater number of sub-castes.
Here are six of the most significant:

- Hindu Brahmins Bride Groom
The highest of all the castes, and traditionally priests or teachers, Brahmins make up a small part of the population. The British colonial authorities gave Brahmins influential clerical jobs.
- Hindu Kshatriyas Bride Groom
Meaning “protector[s] of the gentle people,” Kshatriyas were traditionally the military class. They are now predominantly a land-owning caste and are diminished in power.
- Hindu Vaishyas Bride Groom : A caste that is influential in trade, the Vaishyas were traditionally cattle-herders, agriculturalists, artisans and merchants. They are now associated with the middle-class and social advancement and make up around one fifth of Bangladeshis Hindu population.
- Hindu Shudras Bride Groom : The lowest of the four ancient social classes, or Varnas -, the Shudras were considered so low as to be prohibited from the study of the “Vedas,” the earliest texts of sacred literature. Shudras are now considered to be a “scheduled caste” .
- Hindu Adivasi Bride Groom : The term is used to refer to a collection of ethnic and tribal groups regarded as Bangladeshi’s aboriginal Hindu people. More than 95 per cent of Adivasis live in rural areas. Sixty-eight per cent do not reach high school.
- Hindu Dalits Bride Groom : The word “Dalit,” derived from Sanskrit, means “ground,” “suppressed” or “crushed.” Considered the lowliest people of all the castes, Dalits are typically associated with Occupations regarded as ritually impure, such as those involving waste or carcasses.
We at Bibahabd believe that marriages are made in heaven and we only intend in realizing those dreams. It is a site for the generation of today and the future.