Leading Bengali matrimony in Bangladesh

Leading Bengali Matrimony Service

Feel free to register online at Bibahabd.com
– Leading Bengali Matrimony Service Worldwide.

To find a suitable life partner for yourself or a loved family member. Bibahabd has been providing online and offline services to elite Bangladeshi families worldwide since 2007.

Why Looking for bride/groom on Bibahabd.com?

Life Spring comes only once in human life. That is in youth many are deprived of enjoying this ultimate gift of life. So you need a perfect soulmate to enjoy the Life Spring.

Create your profile to make the right decision by looking at thousands of profiles, find your soul mate and directly contact with the Bride/groom or their guardians.

Bibahabd is the Best Matrimony Service for reasonable cost while maintaining complete privacy.

Bibahabd Provides services in two ways:

Self-service : By loging into the Bibahabd in self-service, selecting the profiles according to your preference, you have to do contact directly with the bride/groom or guardian.

Assistant service: In the assistant service, Bibahabd will send CV according to your needs or partner preference, organize (physical / virtual) meeting as per the consent of both parties.

Under this service you can also directly contact the Bride / Groom or their guardian by viewing the profile.

Bibahabd verifies every profile on 3 levels –

  • Verifies the information by talking to Bride / Groom and guardian separately.
  • Collects and verifies the national identity card of candidates and divorce copy of divorcees.
  • Collects and verifies passport and visa documents of expatriates.

The type of bride and groom profile you will get:

  • 105 profession categories
  • Any educational qualification
  • Belonging to any religion – or caste
  • Unmarried, divorced, widowed of any age
  • Resident of any district of the country
  • Expats living in 80 countries of the world

Online Registration
Service Team: +(88) 0961 22 11 555
WhatsApp: +8801922115555, +8801944115555

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Best Marriage Media Bangladesh

Best Marriage Media in Bangladesh | Bibahabd is the Leading Bangladeshi Matrimony website, Provides online and offline matchmaking service for marital relationship.